Showtime! @ La Sala Rossa (Montréal) May 10th, 2016


What do Jean-Pierre Zanella, Joe Sullivan et Mark Ferguson have in common with Janie?

They will be on the same stage for the Montreal launch of the new album “L’Éden est un Bazar” on May 10th at 8:00 pm.

We promise to play fun original music!   Tickets are on sale here: Billetterie


“L’Éden est un Bazar”

May 10th 2016, 8 pm h
At La Sala Rossa, 4848 Boulevard St-Laurent, Montréal

Stories,  fantasy and Latin jazz 

Medias, RSVP before Mai 5th at Communications Lise Raymond
(450) 640-0500
La Sala Rossa, 4848 Boulevard St-Laurent, Montreal, H2T 2R6